Friday, 3 February 2017

How to get over a breakup

Had a Breakup! Finding difficult to get over with it! Take a deep breath. We have solutions to it. Getting over a break up is difficult for all of us. You are not the odd man out here.

We all go through this phase at least once in our life. There are few dos and don’ts to get over with it. This is just a mental block, you have to come out with.

How to get over a breakup

How to get over a breakup

The Dos

Accept the reality: The foremost among the solutions to get over your break up to accept that it has ended. Without blaming anyone or any situation accept your break up as a reality of life. You haven't been singled out by the life. Everyone goes through it.

Cry if you want to: Want to cry. Just go ahead. Never mind whether you are a man or a woman. It is a good refresher to bring out your frustration out and ease your mind. However, don’t linger on it always.

Remain in positive mind frame: Take care of yourself and your mind. Always keep positive things around you. Eat healthy and think healthy. Keep away anything which brings negative thoughts. A positive mind makes everything productive in your surroundings.

Time to refine your hobbies: Revisit your hobbies and interests; art and craft, singing, dancing, writing, painting, cooking, outing etc. Whatever interest you most, capitalize that and enhance your skills to the most productive outcome.

How to get over a breakup

Remain active: This is very important at the time of lower emotional quotient. The stress level goes down and your entire system remains intact.

Socialize more: Socialising is a stress buster and energy booster. Enjoy and have fun with your friends, family, colleagues or else acquaintances.

The Don’ts:

Never push yourself to forget: Give yourself. Accept that you are a human being and has your individual capabilities to come out with any situation. Don’t compare yourself with others. Appreciate your inner strength and confidence. Never push yourself hard to forget all at a glance. No, a human psyche doesn’t work like this. Befriended with your mind and let it work at its pace.

No Relationship Dependency, please: Add up to your confidence. You are a self-dependent person and doesn’t need any relationship to handle you. Rely on being yourself. If you wish, try taking help from your friend.

No negative thoughts: Don’t let your thought process move towards any negativity. Keep yourself at distance with sad songs, quotes, movies etc. These all spread negativity around. You don’t have to get into any such circumstances. If it happens, though, then quickly come out of it.

Don’t bargain: Always remember there is no midway situation. Either you are in a relationship or out of it. Never bargain your situation. It’s bad. Get away with such workout. Always remember you the most important person.

Be Courageous, enjoy your life and look for creativity around. Have Fun!!

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